


Chondrotissue® is a free cell implant introduced by Arthroscopy for treatment of cartilage defects by one step procedure.

Chondrotissue® Product is based on Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis that used for regeneration of damaged joint cartilage to obtain hyaline healthy cartilage through stimulation of pro-generator cells to differentiate into cartilage cells without the need of having a sample from the patient to separate the stem cells previous to operation, this “one step” procedure is considered as in “vivo Lab” treatment and is the latest Biotechnological advance in field of orthopedics operations and techniques.


Regeneration of damaged joint cartilage

1- Cell free chondro-inductive implant: no need to take any sample from patient prior to procedure.
2- Bio-resorbablePolymer textile scaffold: composed of non-woven textile (pure polyglycolicacid + hyaluronic acid)
3- Storable, Long shelf Life (3 years): can be used directly on demand and can be stored at room temperature (chondrotissue® is freeze dried)
4- Autologous Implantation in One step procedure
5- Cartilage repair for large ChondralDefects (size of chondrotissue2cm x 3cm x 1.1 mm)
6- Provides mechanical stability, supports even cells distribution in defected location in 3D cast
7- Can beintroducedbyArthroscopy/Arthrotomy

8- Results in hyaline-like cartilage formation
9- Patients improvement after 3 months
10- Clinical studies show improvement in pain situation after 3 months at latest. chondrotissue®acts as a cushion in defected area
11- Strong clinical evidence , publications, results
12- Simple and quick procedure: video is available
13- Is used for degenerative and traumatic changes of the synovial joints with defect degree III to IV of Outer bridge scale
14- Is used for femoral condyle, patella, trochlea, talus, acetabulum, tibial plateau

Cartilage repair for large Chondral Defects (size of chondrotissue 2cm x 3cm x 1.1 mm)